Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Office Work and Errands: 4/4/2016

I've been super busy the past month. As hours are coming to be due, my mentor thought it would be a good idea for me to complete the last five hours in bulk rather than coming in random days to do one to two hours each day. My mentor made me continue office work as I put away binders or reorganized them. I also reset most of the diffusers in her office so that they are cleaned and functioning well. I drive so I was able to run some small errands for her. Since she offers most of her clients tea and water, I was able to buy some of this stuff with money from her work so that she was able to restock on some supplies. I was also able to be a proper intern/ volunteer and run other non- driving errands for her around the building like deliver essential oils and packets to people interested in joining her program.

I also finished restocking her bookshelf while she recommended some books for me to take. I did take some that allowed me to inform myself on what happens within the nervous system and why my mentor does what she does. These books also helped me edit my essay to comply with my research question/ topic.

6 hours

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